UNILAG release cut-off marks for 2020/2021 admission The…
UNILAG release cut-off marks for 2020/2021 admission The University of Lagos (UNILAG) which describes itself as the school of first choice and Nigeria’s pride on Tuesday, March 30, released its cut-off marks across faculties for all prospective students. A breakdown of the cut-off marks from UNILAG’s website revealed that History and Strategic Studies has the highest cut-off (66.575) mark as merit score in the Faculty of Arts. Next to it is the department of English Language which fixed its merit score at 65 followed by Chinese (64.85) and Creative Arts (64.175). The lowest on the list is Linguistics Igbo/Yoruba (49.1) in the Faculty. In the Faculty of Management Sciences, Accounting has the highest cut-off mark (69.825), behind it are Actuarial Science and Finance with 68.4 and 67.675 respectively. For the Faculty of Education, English tops the list with 67.025, while Electrical & Electronics Engineering has the highest in the Faculty of Engineering with 79.725. https://ww...