A new Chevrolet Camaro has been added to the garage of rapper, Zoro Swagbag. The new acquisition is coming in only four months after the rapper acquired a Mercedes G-Wagon. Indigenous rapper, Zoro has been spending a lot to give his garage an improved appearance with the recent acquisition of two luxury vehicles. Some months ago, the rapper announced the acquisition of a Mercedes G-Wagon and the news caused his fans to shower him with congratulatory messages across social media platforms. Some hours ago, he broke the news of a new vehicle acquisition as he shared a picture of himself posing with a new black Chevrolet Camaro on his Instagram page. His post carried the caption, “Another One fi the garage, still God ?? #motivationforthestreet #mbada “ See picture below. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bhw_OF3Dgdy/embed/captioned/?cr=1&v=8&wp=672&rd=tooxclusive.com#%7B%22ci%22%3A0%2C%22os%22%3A1332.0999999996275%7D