During a recent interview with Saturday Beats, Vector spoke about his foray into acting where he played the lead role in a movie titled Lara and the Beat , alongside songstress, Seyi Shay. He was particularly vocal about his kiss experience with the beautiful songstress. In the Biola Alabi-produced movie, the rap artiste locked lips with Seyi Shay several times and the chemistry between them was quite intense and real. During the interview the rapper confessed that when he kissed the Yolo Yolo singer, he was aroused but he had to control himself. “Seyi Shay and I had been friends for a while even before the movie but it was not awkward kissing her. It takes a level of expertise to kiss someone and try your best to suppress your feelings while you do it, especially with Seyi Shay. I won’t deceive you, I was aroused when I kissed her but I had to control myself. It is all about the control, I mean we are talking about Seyi, she is beautiful...