
Showing posts with the label swedish

Swedish activist stops deportation of Afghan man

Image copyrightFACEBOOK/ELIN.K.ERSSONImage captionElin Ersson refused to sit until the Afghan was taken off the flight A stunt by a Swedish activist to stop the deportation of an Afghan refugee has been widely hailed on social media. University student Elin Ersson had booked the same flight as the Afghan and refused to sit down unless he… Continue reading Swedish activist stops deportation of Afghan man

I Became a Terrorist Out of Love - American Housewife who Converted to Islam

A white Islamic militant who christened herself ‘Jihad Jane’ and was convicted of plotting to kill a cartoonist who satirized the Prophet Muhammad, has claimed her actions were motivated our of love. Colleen LaRose, 51, of Pennsberg, Pennsylvania, pleaded guilty to charges including planning a jihad and conspiring to kill Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks in 2011 and was convicted in 2014.