[{1]}. Be in the right place at the right time. It's best to ask someone out in person rather than by email, text or crumpled note, or he may think it's a joke or not take you seriously. Clearly you've got to make sure to be where the guy you have a crush on is. This could be at the mall, the movies, school, college or work, or maybe at the sports field if he's an athlete or sporty guy. {[2]}. Give him space when you're near. Obviously, don't inhabit his every step and breathing space; the stalker demeanor will scare him off. A simple "hi" every time you see him works well. Note: Constantly running into each other is a good ice breaker. "Hey, we keep seeing each other everywhere, we might as well become friends. My name is..."). The guy you want to ask out is most likely to say yes if it's someone he knows by sight and is constantly around, at least a few times a week. You should feel comfortable around him and this should be someone who you can talk to easily and will respect you always. Take the time to get to know him better. Talk to him and work on becoming friends. Spend time with each other just talking and building up trust. When you've gotten to know each other better, the fear of asking him out will naturally melt away. Give him space when you're near. Obviously, don't inhabit his every step and breathing space; the stalker demeanor will scare him off. A simple "hi" every time you see him works well.
  • Note: Constantly running into each other is a good ice breaker. "Hey, we keep seeing each other everywhere, we might as well become friends. My name is..."). The guy you want to ask out is most likely to say yes if it's someone he knows by sight and is constantly around, at least a few times a week.
  • You should feel comfortable around him and this should be someone who you can talk to easily and will respect you always.
  • Take the time to get to know him better. Talk to him and work on becoming friends. Spend time with each other just talking and building up trust. When you've gotten to know each other better, the fear of asking him out will naturally melt away.

{[3]} Dress thoughtfully. On the day you plan to ask the guy out, make sure to wear an outfit that gives you confidence. This will make you much more comfortable and give you the courage to make your move. Do not wear an outfit that makes you feel self-conscious, such as a tight dress or a low-cut blouse. You want to appear relaxed and comfortable when asking him out. {[4]}. Take the initiative. Unfortunately, many guys are too afraid to walk up to someone they're interested in and ask them out. So be prepared to take matters into your own hands, especially when it's clear he likes you but isn't doing anything more about it. Walk up to him slowly but don't creep him out, and introduce yourself. Even if you already know the guy really well, still walk up to him and make small talk. If he seems to be flirting, flirt back. Keep working at it until you're at full on flirt mode. Try not to do approach him if it seems he's extremely busy, but at the same time, don't let the opportunity to talk to him pass you by just because you're nervous and looking for escape excuses. If he seems receptive when you introduce yourself, keep on talking to him.

[{5]}Make small talk with him. Break the ice by commenting on something he's wearing or saying something about the place or event you're at. Just try to get him to feel comfortable around you.

  •  {[6]} Make eye contact with him. While the two of you are talking, make eye contact and try to hold it for just a little longer than you normally would - just a second or two, not too long. If he makes eye contact back, he's probably interested in you. Make eye contact with him. While the two of you are talking, make eye contact and try to hold it for just a little longer than you normally would - just a second or two, not too long. If he makes eye contact back, he's probably interested in you.

    {[7]} Commence flirting. This can mean touching him lightly on the arm, for example, or laughing at his jokes. Just be playful and communicate that you're interested. Sometimes you can flirt from afar and entice him to come over to you. Compliment him! For example, you could say something like, "I love your shirt!"

    {[8]}  Ask him non-intrusive questions about himself, such as what kinds of things he likes to do, what his favorite kind of food is, or if he likes to play sports. By asking harmless little questions that encourage him to open up, you can find out more about him to determine if you really want to ask him out, and you might also find out whether or not he's single. From this, you can set up the conversation to ask him out. If you don't succeed in finding something you have in common, you might not really find him that interesting, but if you want to take a chance, just let him know that you'd like to hang out with him again.

    {[9]}  Make sure you're alone before asking him out. Never (for example) ask at a table surrounded by a group of friends. Social expectations still require that the guy ask the girl out, so if he says "yes," he may feel foolish in front of his friends. Or he may reply in a certain way out of obligation, not out of genuine feelings.

    {[10]}  Ask him out. Once you find something you both have in common, ask if he'd like to do it together sometime. Accept that some nerves are good, after all, this is a big thing to do. But it's also a good thing to do and the chances are that he'll say yes if you've read all the signs right. And it's important to have the courage of your convictions! Don't just rush up to him and say the words or ask a friend to ask him out for you! Guys hate that; it is embarrassing!

    {[11]}  If he says no, don't get upset––see it as temporary, not for all time (unless he's dating someone else, in which case, oops for your background research). It may have come as a total surprise to him or he may simply need more time to think it over. In fact, he may be cursing himself a few hours later but it's how you respond that will determine whether or not he plucks up the courage to say yes later. At least he knows you're interested and may get to want to know you more. Respond with a good-natured grin and say something like "Well, no worries, you're such a great guy, it'd be nice to spend some time with you [watching a movie/going to the beach, etc.), so if you change your mind anytime, just call me." He'll see that you have an ability to stay calm and to give him space; two major pluses. Chances are he'll change his mind if you don't explode or cry. Be patient and wait to see what happens if he says no for now. Don't be rude and don't hold a grudge. There is no faster way to turn off a guy than to hold a grudge against him for not being as "into" you as you are into him.

    {[12]}  If he says yes, plan where and when you will go out, and focus foremost on aiming to have fun. This isn't the time to get all serious and see wedding bells; you have a great chance to get to know one another, enjoy each other's company and maybe later discover that you're incredibly compatible... or not, but whatever the outcome, at least you'll remember the first dates as having been fun!

    • Pay for the date, unless he really insists. If he wants to pay for the date, then hey - no arguments there, right? It makes him look like a gentleman and may also indicate that he is serious about pursuing you, which is what you were hoping for in the first place! However, since you've asked him out, why not treat him for a change?
    • On a first date, it is recommended that you go somewhere with a lot of people, and somewhere that will have a lot going on to keep the conversation running smoothly. Going to the movies prevents conversation and can make the situation awkward if there are scary or romantic scenes.
    • Don't expect a kiss on the first date. If it happens, it happens; if not, hopefully there will be a second date.

    • When asking him out, start off with a suggestion, like "Do you think we could kinda hang out sometime?" or "We should kinda go to this concert together." It puts the point accross without putting you totally out there, and it still gives him a chance to ask you out, or take credit for asking you out (which might be more socially acceptable in some places).
    • Consider asking him out on a group date first. For example: "A few friends from class and I are going to the movies on Friday. Would you be interested in coming along? I heard you like Woody Allen retro films." Make serious eye contact when doing this. If he accepts to a group date, be careful to help him feel as a part of the group. Don't leave him stranded or ignored, especially if he does not know others in the party.
    • Be confident about asking out a guy. You only get what you want by asking for it and accepting that sometimes no is the answer but more often it's yes.
    • Remember, you have nothing to be nervous about. Guys typically love to be asked out! Since guys are traditionally expected to ask, it takes the pressure off and makes things easier for him.
    • If he says no, it is not the end of the world. After all, the courage you mustered will do wonders for your self-confidence with approaching other guys. And she who does not try, gains nothing; she who does try, gains confidence in her own abilities.
    • Don't assume that he's not interested or that he's less of a man just because he didn't make the first move. A guy who doesn't ask you out may still like you but be taken, too shy, on the rebound or any number of things. Don't believe dating books that tell you "If he hasn't asked you out then he's just not that into you." The authors of these books make money by reinforcing your fears and self-doubts, so you will buy more of their books. How can they make money off of you if you're confident and not afraid to approach guys?
    • Always smile, it will be interpreted as confidence. Looking down and muttering will just make you seem uninterested or not very date-worthy.
    • When talking together, don't guess at his intentions, don't over-analyze a look, a gesture, a sentence, etc. The only way you will truly know if he likes you is if he tells you. When you have become better friends he may tell you or you may need to ask him. Hey, nobody ever said love was easy...
    • If he has text-messaging or an online account, it might be easier to first text-message or chat online simply to break the ice. Once you are more comfortable and know each other a little more, then try asking him out in person. Do not ask him via text or chat for a first date. It may creep him out.
    • Act fake and you'll end up disappointed. Trying to be what you're not is both exhausting and disrespectful to yourself. Ultimately, he'll work out your real self, so it's just best to be real from the start.
    • After a no response, if you have been working toward this for a while and he is genuinely interested in your friendship, don't ruin it by cutting him out. Keep being nice to him, and don't complain about him to your friends. Show him you can take rejection and still value him as a friend if nothing else, because blocking him will just push him away and he won't want to be your friend.
    • Some guys are just plain old-fashioned. Look for the signs and try to gauge whether or not you should go in for the kill. If you see the signs of gray, it would be well worth the wait to let him be the hunter...if he really likes you, he'll go for it! If he's the one, nothing will stop him.
    • If he's "famous" amongst your friends, don't brag about him getting your number. Bragging is a turn-off.
    • Some guys may just be getting over a breakup, so be understanding that he may not be ready to go on a date or, conversely, he may just be looking for a rebound. Also understand that time is the best remedy, but don't wait too long or he'll find someone else.


    • Sometimes, a guy will pick on you or tease you to get your attention, because he really does like you, but he's too afraid to admit it, and doesn't know how else to approach you.
    • If he's intentionally rude and nasty, confront him and ask what the heck his problem is. If he has a overly mean personality, just forget about him. You don't need an abusive guy in your life. Most likely everyone else who comes into contact with him feels the same way.
    • Never use an indirect approach to ask a guy out, ever. This includes notes, friends asking for you, etc. If you give a guy a note and he doesn't know you, or isn't sure who the note is from, it will most likely get ignored. If your friends ask him for you, it can be most intimidating, especially if girls approach in a group. If you're too shy to ask him yourself, you can turn an indirect approach into a direct one, such as you handing him a personal letter. This is not the best approach, but if you're painfully shy, he'll understand, and if he says no it will be more gentle. Although, some guys think shy girls are cute. Either way, the direct approach is always the best.
    • Do not approach a guy like a hunter stalking prey. Guys have 'fight or flight' instincts, same as anyone. If they sense you're seeing them as anything less than an individual who you like, they'll bolt.
    • Wait patiently for his response. If he says he needs time to think about it, let him.
    • Never ask a guy out by phone or web.(ISA)
    • If he says no, he may just want to see your reaction. Chances are, if you really thought he liked you, he probably does. If he says no, say: "Okay." Don't ask why, don't ask again, just go back to being normal friends.
      • He may ask you out once he sees you can take a no without crying.
      • He may want to see if you whine or mope. Do you? If so, time to stop!
    • If he feels too awkward as friends after being asked out, then he's not meant for you.
    • Stalking never becomes a lady. Stalking also ends in unsavory places, like the court dock. You're not so desperate that you can't live without a guy; if that's how you're feeling, visit a counselor quickly. Not a single person can make us feel whole inside.
    • Avoid cursing. Remain complimentary and friendly. It might be enough to cause him to change his mind.
    • Trying to make a guy jealous or playing hard to get tends to backfire. A smart guy will see the ruse for what it is, and do you really want to be with a guy who can't spot a game? Smarten up your act if you're prone to manipulative tactics to get people to like you because it's likely you're doing this beyond boyfriends and into every relationship you have.
    • Even if you have asked a guy out, it does not mean you are obligated to do anything you don't want to on the date. If you ever feel uncomfortable, get out of the situation right away and don't worry about politeness, just worry about your safety.
    • If the guy insults you, forget him. He isn't worth your time. But don't confuse an insult with him disagreeing with something you say in conversation - he might trust you enough to give his honest opinion, which is a good thing!
    • If in the end he says no, never insult him or lie behind his back, that just turns him off even more. He may have been considering saying yes.
    • Definitely don't keep bothering him about dating if he needs more time. He could be scared off. Just stay at friendship level, leaving the possibility of more dangling unspoken...
    • Do not ask him out if he is a jerk to everybody but you. You may portray that as a sign that he likes you, and maybe he does. However, it's stupid to go out with a mean guy, especially since he may be trying to recruit you to seeing the world in his mean and hostile way and he may end up manipulating you. If he makes fun of someone in front of you and you laugh, it is a poor reflection of your character. People won't like you if they don't like the guy. Don't waste your time on him. It's pointless and stupid. He needs to grow up and you're not his nursemaid or enabler.
    • If the guy says "ummm" and turns away, then says, "Can I think about it?", this could mean he just doesn't know how to turn you down politely. Also, if he gives an excuse such as "I'm really busy today. I have to do this, that, etc..." then he is scared or probably doesn't like you romantically. Ask for certainty here and now: Say "It's okay to say no, I won't be hurt." Or, "I need an answer, please." That will help him to be more open and done with it.

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