
Can this African-American Chinese dish cure hang-over?

​ Affectionately dubbed ‘Old Sober’, the little-known New Orleans dish called yakamein is said to right even the worst symptoms of fun. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Reddit Share on StumbleUpon Share on Google+ Share by Email On a recent Sunday afternoon, Frenchmen Street was relatively tranquil. People still were sleeping off the night before or finishing up late-day brunches to quell any lingering after-effects. Strains of jazz – an accordion, clarinet, tuba – leaked onto the street. Rainbow-bright clapboard houses competed with the brilliant blue of the sky. But the most New Orleans detail of all was the paper cup I was holding. No, it wasn’t a hurricane, that noxiously sweet rum cocktail every tourist sips through a straw at least once during their visit. It was the opposite: a remedy, affectionately dubbed ‘Old Sober’, said to right even the worst symptoms of fun. Despite how I’d been served it, it wasn’t a drink. It was a soup – sort of. M

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